During my research on designers with strong ethics and social responsibility I found artist Mark Langan, who is a US based designer creating logos for several companies using recycled cardboard to help businesses communicate their sustainable values. Langan’s day-to-day job consists of searching around his neighbour for the recyclable material and bringing tons of it to his Ohio studio for an afternoon
of sorting, cutting, shredding and gluing. Langan creates recycled art for Kellogg’s, Corrugated Service Inc., and The Green Dream, amongst other companies and organizations. He doesn’t use computers to sketch the work – just paper and a pencil. After carefully shredding, cutting and creating layers of the material, he sticks his art together with a water-based glue, making the most from recycled cardboard’s beautiful grooves and textures.

I think, that researches and products like this can really raise the awareness on the fact, that we are not just by ourselves on this planet, but sharing it, and reusing resources and designing a new way of living and thinking is a key ingredient to our future wellbeing here. The design approach of Mark Langan is very simple, but strong as an idea - he is a designer not participating in a big organization, but still he has found a way to raise his voice through his design, while big companies like Phillips are making tons of production, but still have a strong social responsibility and are designing a solution for such a global problem like polluted drinking water. Of course there are many more designers and companies going green and designing new ways for solving problems, that we should be glad, that this is not just a voice in a desert.
Langan's work looks fantastic! Should see that on live.